Logo redesign - IAHM
The National Indo-American Museum were busy bringing the, “Beyond Bollywood” exhibit to the Field Museum in Chicago and needed some design work. While working on their layouts I took a crack at redesigning the layout of the logo they were using. They had all the elements of a great logo but simply had to reconsider the hierarchy of the visual elements of the logo to help the legibility and give a quick read.

Website logo use and name change to National Indo-American Museum (NIAM):

Elements created in Illustrator for Event Flyer - Cricket Festival.

Landscape and Portrait treatment of Event Poster. The portrait version was chosen by the client.

IAHM Newsletter. Created in Indesign.

The board of IAHM Gala fundraising..
© 2023 Sonal Patel. All Rights Reserved.
Original logo followed by iterations of different hierarchy layouts of the logo elements and ending with final logo.